Tutorial 1 – Overview of the Main Menu


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Welcome to the Genos Surveys Administrator tutorial series. In this tutorial, we will explore the main menu.

Once you have been set up as an administrator and logged in to Genos Surveys, you will firstly see your dashboard. The Dashboard usually shows a list of all your active survey groups. When logging in for the first time, this will be empty. Now, click on the Groups tab.

The difference between the Dashboard screen and the Groups screen is the Groups screen shows the list of active and complete survey groups for all your clients. Of course, if you are the first user from your organisation to access the system, this list will also be empty.

The most important feature to note on this screen is the “New Group” button. Once we have finished our quick overview of the application, we will then show you how to create a new group. Now, click on the Clients tab.

This screen shows the list of clients that you can access and administer. Initially, you will have only one record listed, which represents your organisation. If you will be running surveys within your own organisation, you might create different clients for different locations or departments. If you are a training organisation, you may also create different clients for the different training programs you offer.

Each survey group must be linked to a client. Whilst it is possible to link all your survey groups to your own client, the recommended approach is to create a new client record for each new client and link each survey group to the corresponding client.

If you would like to learn more about Client options, this has been covered in a separate tutorial video.

Thank you for watching this overview. Please join us in the next tutorial to learn how to Create a new survey group.

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