Product Type | |
Number of reports | |
Genos-managed? | |
Tokens per report | {{ tokensPerReport() }} |
Total tokens required | {{ tokensRequired() }} |
Token price | {{ tokenPrice() | currency }} |
You may increase your report quantity to {{ end_gap }} {{ current_product }}s as you qualify for the next discount tier for the same price.
Purchase {{ tokenPriceDiscount() }} more tokens or {{ Math.ceil ( tokenPriceDiscount() / tokensPerReport() ) }} more {{ current_product }}s, to reach the next discount tier.
Your price per report | {{ tokensPerReport() * tokenPrice() | currency }} |
Recommended Retail Price | {{ rrp() | currency }} |
Less: Your savings for this purchase | {{ margin() | currency }} |
Your total discounted price | {{ totalCost() | currency }} |
Please note: All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are Tax Exclusive.